Green Goodie Alkalising Smoothie

Green Goodie Alkalising Smoothie

A Coyo smoothie creation ideal for a good gut and delicious flavour. Created by @coyo_organic

Makes 1 Serving
Total Time 5 Minutes
Difficulty Easy
Container Low-Profile 2.0-litre Container


  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1 cup kale
  • 2 chopped kiwi fruit
  • 1 1/2 cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 4 tbsp of organic dairy free Coconut Yoghurt
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 2 cups of cold pressed apple juice


  1. Add all the smoothie ingredients into your blender
  2. Blend on high until well combined; add water sparing when necessary
  3. To serve, place ice cubes into a glass and pour over the smoothie
  4. Garnish with a dried lime slice and enjoy!

To Serve

  1. 1 slice of dried lime
  2. Ice cubes


  • Sandra

    Hi Elise
    I am very sure they mean dairy free. You can buy this from the supermarket and it’s not too bad. My daughter is vegan and she eats it. I’m not but still love the taste.

  • Elise Leggett

    What is fairy free coconut yoghurt?

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